Friday, July 3, 2009

Real Worlder for Congress?

Don't worry Real Worlders, your relevance doesn't have to end when the final episode airs. You could do anything with the fame and fortune that being a pop culture icon brings you! While the high status of the ShamWow guy is not beyond your reach, why stop there? Why not try to come back to DC as...I dunno...a member of congress?

That's exactly what former Real World: Boston cast member and current Ashland County District Attorney, Sean Duffy (no relation to the ARWDC ally and all-around good guy of the same name) is doing in Wisconin against House Appropriations Chairman, Congressman Dave Obey. Here's a little bit from the article that seems to capture the incredible substance and depth behind Duffy's candidacy:

"Duffy is active with the Republican Party of Wisconsin, but he is perhaps best known as a former cast member on the MTV reality show "The Real World: Boston" in 1997. His conservative political views were a source of friction on the show with some of his more liberal housemates." - Wausau Daily Herald, 7/2/09

Duffy is actually married to another former Real World cast member so it appears as if the recipe for post-reality TV relevance seems to lie in keeping with your own kind (other reality TV stars) and moving to Wisconsin to become a Conservative Republican. Obviously, scientific evidence would probably support the notion that Duffy's offspring are likely to eventually follow in daddy's footsteps and become Real Worlders.

(Hat tip on this on to WAOW-TV's Katie Rosenberg for the intel on this one!)


Mike Sager said...

Seriously? In Obey's district? Isn't that a D+17 district? These guys have about as much of a chance as brevity in a Pynchon novel.

Katie said...

Oh don't worry. Duffy is going to have to run in a primary against Republican "homesteader" Dan Mielke ( ) Last year, Mielke pulled out a homemade magic wand made with the constitution during a debate with Obey. I wonder what kind of props he'll bring to the table with Duffy??

kindalikepuck said...

Holy SHIT Sager, shouldn't you be commenting on the New Yorker Blog? Pynchon?

Unknown said...

In honor of Sager, who mind you is a DC deserter to some crappy New England city called Boston, ... that RW f*'ker has as much chance of beating Obey, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, as Godot showing up. Clearly, "we are all born mad. Some remain so."